Chakra-Blue – Throat (5th) and Third Eye (6th); Purple – Third Eye (6th) and Crown (7th);  Hardness-7; Element- Wind and Water (respectively)

Chalcedony symbolized calmness and composure, and for the Tibetans it is a stone of purity and concentration and internalization of the essential.  The name is said to have come from the city of it's discovery, Chalcedon on the Bosphorus.

  • Blue, gray and purple Chalcedony are told to help one rid themselves of unwanted things in one's life; aids in avoiding messy emotional involvements with cause distress.

  • Green chalcedony is told to focus attention on how to relate to others in a loving manner.

  • Pink chalcedony strengthens one's self-esteem; makes the wearer more caring of their personal appearance.

  • White chalcedony, also known as the "mother stone" is said to shield from negativity as well as cleansing the aura, it as others can stabilize the emotions during trying times.


Chalcedony is the best stone to be used for problems with the neck, tonsils and vocal cords.  It protects against feverish infections and all different types of inflammation.  Chalcedony water can be made by boiling the stone with a pinch of salt and it sued as treatment for hoarseness of the voice. 

Stone of Cancer and Aquarius, although some say it is associated with Saturn.   It is considered a good luck stone for Cancer and a protective stone for Sagittarius.