Chakra- Heart (4th), Root (1st);  Hardness-5-5.5; Element- Earth and Water

Eudialyte is a complex silicate mineral containing sodium, calcium, cerium, iron, manganese, yttrium and zirconium. Its color ranges from red to pin to reddish brown.  It is found in Greenland and Russian and on Mont Saint Hilaire in Quebec, Canada.  Because of it’s complex arrangement, it is a stone of complex energies and properties.  It balances ones energies with ones emotions.  It is said that it helps express love for others and self.  It is a great stone for those that are unsure of their path and need to overcome self-doubt or fear.  It activates and opens the heart. 


Eudialyte stabilizes the nervous system and helps with nervous system disorders such as ALS, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons Disease and Alzheimer’s.  It can help stabilize the critically ill and ease one’s passage when one is ready to discard the physical body.  It can be good to use with premature infants or cirtically ill children