Chakras-Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th);  Element-Storm; Hardness– 7.5

Herkimer Diamonds are a variety of quartz crystals found in and around Herkimer, New York.  It is harder than most other quartz varieties.  They are called diamonds due to their formation, short, double terminated, good clarity and their resemblance to diamonds. 

Herkimer Diamonds are used for dreams and vision work.  They activate and open the crown and 3rd eye areas, and keep one aware in the unconscious state of sleep.  They are good tools for inter-dimensional and time travel.  They open one’s higher chakras and keep focus during meditation.  Herkimer Diamonds clarify spaces and other stones.  Enhydros often occur and these are useful healers of the emotional body.


Herkimer Diamonds are good for supporting the eyes and eyesight.  They support general physical stamina and energy levels.
