Chakra- All –Esp Third Eye (6th) and Heart (7th); Element-Storm; Hardness-4-5

The name Kyanite is derived from the Greek word Kyanos meaning blue, and the most popular varieties display the most intense cornflower blues that appear to be almost like sapphire, as well as the greenish blues that are reminiscent of the aquamarine.  The most popular colors are blue, indigo, green and black and now, newly discovered, orange.  But it can also be white, pink, yellow or gray.  It is found in Brazil, South Africa, Switzerland, Burma, Kenya, Mexico and the USA.

Kyanite is a gemstone that does not accumulate negative energies, and it therefore never need to be cleansed or cleared.  As the energy of Kyanite is all but unlimited, it is said to be one of the best gemstones for use as an attunement stone.

Kyanite is known to induce tranquility and calm, as well as enhancing communication and psychic awareness, as well it eases, enhances and supports mediation efforts.

It is an ideal stone for wearing around the neck , as it has beneficial effects on the throat.  It will promote the ability to speak more easily and express oneself more clearly, and will even assist in learning a new language.


This stone is used to treat hearing disorders, eye ailments as well as issues with the sense of smell.   Kyanite is also used as a tool for mediation and relaxation. It is useful in opening the third eye chakra, and to enhance creativity, broaden perception and enhancing the reach to better understand others.  Kyanite is said to foster tranquilly, having a positive effect on ones dreams, visualization and foresightedness. 

Kyanite can help energetically heal bone breakage, surgery and other intrusive trauma and assists the nerves and tissues to reestablish pathways through and around the trauma site.  It does well in healing the brain from head trauma, seizures or stroke.  It can aid in creating new neural pathways around damaged areas.