Chakra- Heart (4th);  Element-Water; Hardness: 7.5 to 8

Morganite is a pink, peach or purple/pink variety of Beryl and the color if caused by manganese.  It was mined first in 1902 in Madagascar.  It is now found in Brazil, Madagascar, Africa, and the USA.

Morganite assists one in connecting to Divine love and the angelic heart.  It teaches one to open the heart and be less protective of one’s emotional vulnerability.  It helps relationships by recognizing judgment, fear-based self-protection and manipulation.  It can help one attract one’s soul-mate or deepen one’s current relationship.  It can also ease the heart-ache of grief and loss. It is THE heart chakra stone.


Morganite supports the heart’s health and helps the heart take dominance in the balance of the chakras.